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7 Warning Dreams You Must Not Play With

- by Dr. Paul S Joshua

There are dreams revealed to you to warn you of a forthcoming evil occurrence or the presence of evil people around you. These are called WARNING DREAMS.


You must search for the spiritual dream interpretations to them quickly to absorb the messages and avoid the consequence of spiritual ignorance. The dreams here were sent online and interpreted in a short reading and also includes powerful prayers for you to pray.

Four Dreams about hypocrites

snake curled around a rabbit

The most dangerous set of people that can kill and finish you before you even notice are HYPOCRITES. Here are 4 dreams that can alert your spirit if there is a hypocrite around your life.

5 Dreams of Spiritual Curse

Image by Louis Galvez

These are the dreams and spiritual interpretations showing you are under Curse. These are a list of Five (5) spiritual dreams and interpretation indicating curse is on your life. 

Four Dream Meaning of Worms


When you see worms in your Dreams. take note. Worms in the spiritual realm represent a virus (bad habit) that comes to infiltrate your life in other to distract and divert you from your purpose. Here are 4 other meanings of worms in dream.

Four Dreams about longlife

Selfie with Sharks

People have these dreams maybe when they are sick or going through a life threatening challenge and after praying, they have such dream. Read these four dreams that reveals if you will live long.

5 Dreams that expose witches

Image by Derek Story

There are witches flying around but there are also modern day witches. They don't fly around on broom-sticks but they possess characters and attributes that classify them as witches! I will briefly share with you 5 dreams.

Dreams indicating Stolen Destiny

Blood Bags

The identity of someone using your destiny can be revealed to you in your dreams and you can detect and destroy their spiritual operation by knowing the spiritual interpretation.

5 Meanings of being Shot or stabbed in the dream

Selfie with Sharks

 When you are stabbed in the dream or shot with a gun, the spiritual interpretation could mean severe betrayal or sickness. Read the 5 meanings of this dream​

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