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Can Dreams Predict Your Future? 5 Proven Spiritual Ways Dreams Predict

Without God revealing the plans of the enemy, we as humans cannot tell the sequence of events that will take place in our life which may lead to something disastrous. It is only by divine revelation through dreams that we can gain insight to the future. When it comes to making life long decisions like choosing a life partner, career path, business decisions, etc, you can only get it right by divine leading. Spiritual Dreams can predict things that are about to happen in your future in specific areas of your life.

In this article, I will share 4 specific ways spiritual dreams predict your;

  • Lifespan (How long you will live)

  • Relationship life (who your right partner is)

  • Profession (What you are called to do)

  • Enemies (People who secretly hate you)

  • Business Ideas (spiritual dreams that give you business ideas)

A picture reading "5 Things  your dreams predict"

How can Dreams Predict your Profession

Dreams can predict if a career you are in, is the right choice for you. People who suffer today in their jobs, suffer because they are in the wrong profession. You must never go into a profession just because it is lucrative or because other people are making money from it. Go into a profession only when you have the inherent ability to carry out that role effectively and efficiently. Your calling to that profession must be genuine

Let’s look into some dream symbols God use to communicate the right career for you

Dreams that predicts you are called to be in the medical profession

Dreams That predicts you are called to music

Dreams that predicts you are called to fashion industry

Dreams that predicts you are called to ministry

  1. Dream that shows you are called to be in Medical Profession -

Dream of Treating the wounded - Isaiah 53:5

Dream of seeing a green leaf on your head - Ezekiel 47:12

Dream of seeing sun rays shining on you - Malachi 4:2

Dream of seeing a snake on a pole or on a stick - Numbers 21:8-9

These are dreams that predict your professional future is in the medical field. You are called to be either a nurse, doctor, health caregiver, surgeon, etc. Take up your role in the medical field.

2 . Dreams that shows you are called to be in Ministry -

When you dream of sweeping a church, Taking care of your priest, praying and helping vulnerable people. This dream indicates you are called to ministry. It could be as a pastor, evangelist, music minister. God has gifted you with the spiritual ability to excel as a prophet.

3. Dreams that predict your destiny is in music

When you dream about hearing songs, or you have dreams about performing live on a stage, this dream indicates music is your destiny. I met a lady who always heard singing in her sleep, she immediately ran to me and cried that the devil was trying to run her mad. She told me "man of God, I always hear songs in my sleep, as if ghosts are singing to me" The Holy Spirit told me to tell her God is directing her to music. Everyone can sing but not everyone is called into singing.

Job 35:10 But no one says, ‘Where is God my Maker, who gives songs in the night

4. Dreams that predict you are called to be in fashion industry -

when you dream of seeing yourself dressed in a beautiful dress with the colour gold, blue, purple or scarlet, What God is revealing to you in this dream is that you can be a great fashion designer and you'll be used mightily by God to influence Nations.

Exodus 28:5 Have them use gold, and blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and fine linen

How Dreams Predict your Relationship Life

Many people have told me about dreams they had about their partners while they were dating. Glaring warning signs but they ignored it and today, some of them have broken homes while some are still going through the pain and believing God for a miracle.

Here are different dreams God can use to show you that you are with the right partner and you are in for a blessed union.

  1. DREAM OF DRIVING ON A BRIGE ON HIGH SPEED AND THE BRIDGE COLLAPSED - This dream indicates that your relationship is about to collapse, Your marriage will end in divorce. If you have this dream while you're with someone before getting married, I suggest you take the warning. That marriage won't last.

  2. When you have a dream where a lady or a man is showing you light or you giving light to someone is an indication that you are with a partner that will encourage you and support you. You can get more details in this video.

  3. A lady told me about a dream she had, in that dream, she saw her EX urinating and suddenly, his urine turned into puppies. She was worried and wanted to know the meaning of the dream. This was God revealing to her the adulterous nature of her partner, if she had ended up marrying him, she would have been frustrated because he was going to have many children outside their marriage. God revealed this to her in order to prevent her from this future shame. Check this link for similar dreams

How dreams predict your Life span -

There are 4 dreams that indicate you will live long

  1. When you dream of seeing yourself playing with a shark or whale, this is a way of God telling you that you will live long.

  2. Seeing giant tortoise in your dream. These are animals that could live for over a 120 years and even 150 years. When you have such dream, know this that God is telling you that He will give you long life.

  3. Seeing elephants in the dream is also a sign that God is going to give you long life because this is another animal that has a long life span. Animals also suffer from cancer but elephants never experience cancer.

  4. Dream of seeing jelly fish is also called the immortal fish. when you dream and see this fish, be rest assured that you have a covenant with long life. In most cases people have these dreams maybe when they are sick or going through one problem or the other and after praying, they get such dream. This is God telling you that you are not going to die as a result of what you are going through.

How your dreams Predict enemies around you -

These are dreams that show you when someone evil is around you or is coming to your life to do evil to you. Take note of whoever enters your life once you start having these dreams;

  1. Someone always staring at you angrily constantly in the dream, you need to be careful and watch out for such person. This shows that person is not happy with you.

  2. When someone keeps coming to forcefully sleep with you always in the dream. Anyone you see having sex with you in the dream indicates that person is an enemy of your progress. The person might not appear like it but you must carefully distance yourself from such person because God is revealing the evil intention that person has.

  3. Anyone always trying to stab you or stabs you in your dream

  4. Anyone who steals treasures from you in the dream

  5. Anyone that stones you regularly or chases you regularly in the dream

How dreams can reveal a business idea

I remember sometime ago, an entrepreneur told me about a dream he had. He said pastor, “I had a dream I was driving my business truck to go deliver some of my goods and suddenly, a big trailer from nowhere hit my truck and scattered it but I was not injured. I came down from my truck very furious, the young man driving the trailer also came out to meet me but he was smiling instead of being remorseful”. Do you know the interpretation I got from the Holy Spirit? He said tell him I am showing him a new competitor that is coming into the market. He is a very young boy with great ideas that is going to make great wave and if possible eliminate him from the market so the only way his business can remain relevant in the phase of this new competition is through divine ideas, divine leading and hard work.

Other dreams that can predict you will be a skilled business man/woman;

FARMING DREAM; Any dream that reveals you planting, nurturing and harvesting shows that you are gifted with the gift of business.

FISHING DREAM; when you dream and see yourself at the river fishing, then that dream is revealing to you that you have the gift for business.

Final Note:

Dreams are still very relevant today because God still speaks through our dreams.

It is crucial to know what God is saying as they can predict important things that could happen in your life.

A black pastor in a suit sitting on a chair

Dr Paul S Joshua is a profound online Christian dream interpreter, minister & Global Prophet with the unique Gift of Dream Interpretation.

Share your dreams with us or during our one on one online zoom meetings to understand the spiritual messages in your dreams.

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Knowing what your dream means is vital to your safety

If you'd like to know the spiritual meaning of your dreams one on one

Check out our audio podcast on Spotify where we also interpret dreams that are sent to us online

Visit our YouTube channel for more dreams interpretations

What will you like to read next?

  • How to remember your dreams?

  • The difference between dreams and visions

  • What are warning signs in dreams?


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