7 Warning Dreams
You Must not have
by Dr. Paul S Joshua
Dreams that reveals hypocrites are around you
The most dangerous set of people that can kill and finish you before you even notice are HYPOCRITES. Enemies that are obvious to you are not as dangerous as those unsuspecting faces. Someone you love and cherish could be the same one to poison and destroy you but how can you know there are hypocrites around you?
This is the place of dreams and spiritual interpretations. God sends signals to alert you in your dream when there is a hypocrite around you. You must decode the dream before they succeed

Check out these dreams:
Dream of Green or white snakes around you

The spiritual meaning of seeing green or white snakes here is to reveal a hypocrite among people who are so close to you. They know your secrets, you love them and care for them, they praise you with their lips but deep down, they ruin you. God is alerting you here. Be watchful of people and how they behave once you have this dream. Do not share precious secrets carelessly.
Dream of Masquerades hanging around you

The spiritual meaning of seeing masquerade in some cases implies that there is someone around you hiding his/her genuine personality. They are portraying as something they are not. It could be someone you are in a relationship with or a colleague that seems so friendly. Be careful. The spiritual interpretation of masquerade here means someone is masked around you.
Dream of a beautiful casket

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The dream meaning of seeing casket in this case implies you are among hypocrites. People who can literally lead you to your death. They are so dangerous because they do not mind poisoning you. You must pray fervently against them once you have this dream because their hatred for you runs so deep to the extent of planning your death.
Dream of seeing a domestic cats

A domestic cat loves to be caressed, this is one attributes of people who are hypocrites. They come around you, always one call away while looking for a way to carry out an evil intention over you.
Luke 22:48 "... Judas kissed Jesus"
Only the Holy Spirit can give you the ability to discern who they are.
Once you have a dream of seeing snakes or serpents, be watchful of people and situations that start to occur and the spirit of God will show you the hypocrites around you
The serpent was one of the genesis of the first betrayal between God and man. This act was so grievous that it required the death of Jesus for man to be free. Do you see how deadly serpents are?
You must not let your guard down when you have a dream of seeing green or white snakes.
Spiritual Dreams & interpretation that expose hypocrites around you are:
Dream of Green or white snake
Dream of seeing domestic cats
Dream of seeing a beautiful casket
Bible Scripture:
Psa.22: 16
Isa.56: 10
Isa.41:10 - 15
Isa 49:24-26
1. Father let every subtle enemies around me be exposed with your judgmental fire in Jesus name.
2. Let those seeking my life be put to shame, drive them away as chaff before the wind and as wax melts before fire.
3. All those who pretend to be my friend but behind are vipers seeking to hurt me Father let them never be comfortable around me.
4. Surround me with your Angels to scare them away!
5. Let your power in my life make it difficult for my adversaries to succeed on me!
6. Anyone planning to kill and take your blessings in my life will fail.
7. Fight those who fight against me, let them eat their own flesh and drink their own blood as wine. Thank you Lord for your revelation of victory on my life, I will serve you all my life in Jesus Christ name.
Other dreams & their interpretations
Spider Dream
Killing a spider
Spider on your head
Spider on your eyes
Spiders in your car