15 Spiritual Interpretations of Eating in the Dream
by Dr. Paul S Joshua

When you dream and always see yourself eating, this has different meanings depending on the circumstances surrounding the dream.
When you go to bed with thoughts of delicacies available in an event you have attended or are about to attend, you are likely to dream and see yourself eating but this has no negative implication. But in a situation where by you do not have thoughts of food going through your mind before going to bed but you keep having such dream, this could have negative implication.
Like the case of a brother I counseled, he always ate meat every night in his dream to the extent that he wakes up with the meat in his mouth. While he was narrating his ordeal, the Holy Spirit revealed to me that he has been eating his penis and he confirmed it that his manhood has not been functioning.
He was having this dream because he promised a lady marriage while he was already married. Out of anger and pains of betrayal, this lady who is from the marine world was feeding him with his penis in form of meat every night.
I will share 15 different Troubling dreams and interpretations for eating in the dream
Dream Of Eating Feaces/Poop

Dream: "Elvis from US, I dreamt and saw my girlfriend trying to force me to eat her feaces but I refused to eat it till I woke up. It was so disgusting and heartbreaking, Please sir, I need help with this dream.
Interpretation: I understand your concern but through this dream, God is warning you against something your girlfriend is asking you to do. You need to be very careful and don't consent to do anything that is not of God no matter who the pressure is coming from because this is a plot of the devil to bring you down. She might be asking you to do something illegal, don't do it! This is the meaning.
Dream of Eating Cockroach

Dream: "George from Nigeria, I had a dream two nights ago where I saw myself eating cockroaches. I wasn't hungry or anything, I just picked it up and started to eat the cockroach. I've tried searching online for the meaning but nothing seems to hit the nail on the head. I'm hoping you can help me sir?"
Interpretation: Your dream of eating cockroach is an indicator that you have been allowing some negative information into your heart that will pave way for the devil to get into your life and certainly destroy you. You need to examine your life and the people advising you. It is possible some people have started feeding you with bad thoughts and that's why God is alerting you to be careful.
George: "OH MY! You are very correct, last week, one of my friends advised me to get into his business of stealing and exporting cars to Africa. You are very correct!"
Dream of Eating Rats
Check out these dreams:

Dream: "Keisha from US, I dreamt I was eating rat with three of my friends and it tasted great. Please, what is the meaning of this dream. What could this mean?"
Interpretation: This could mean that you are currently learning some behaviours that are not of God and He is forewarning you in order save you from the looming disaster the devil has orchestrated against your life. Your friend group needs to be re-examined. You need to be careful with the people you take advice from and work to build a solid relationship with God because you never know the real intention of people for you
Dream of My Daughter Eating Poop

Dream: "Joanna from France, I had a dream and I saw my daughter eating her stool, I tried to stop her but she refused and went ahead to eat it. What could this mean?"
Interpretation: Through this dream, God showing you that your daughter is into an unholy lifestyle that will end up destroying her and take her to untimely grave. She might have become involved in drugs addiction, please monitor her so she doesn't destroy herself. As a mother, you need to pray for her and counsel her properly in order to bring her back to the right path.
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Dream of Eating a Male Organ

Dream: "Zuri from Tanzania, I had a dream where my pastor made me eat me something that looks like a male organ of a donkey at the entrance of the church, after swallowing it, I became unconscious till I woke up. I have had this dream about my pastor thrice. Please, help me with the meaning of this dream."
Interpretation: God is showing you repeatedly that you belong to an occultic church where they hypnotize their members with the spirit of lust and adultery to steal and control their destiny. You need to leave that church to a Bible-believing church where you can serve God in truth and in spirit. Temptation can engulf you til you become completely lost and that's why you went unconscious.
Dream of Cooking & Eating with Dead People

Dream: "Margerta from UK. I always dream and see myself eating with dead people, they are people I don't know but I see myself cooking and sharing the food to them. Please pastor, what does this dream mean?"
Interpretation: In this context, God wants to use you to give life to hopeless people and strengthen those that have given up on life. Especially, in a case whereby you cooked the food and shared it to the people, it means God is using you to strengthen people and give life to the lifeless.
Although in another context, you can pray against every spirit that wants to join you with the world of the dead.
Dream of Eating with Celebrities

Dream: "Elizabeth from Czech Republic, I had a dream and I saw my self eating together with celebrities in the United States of America and we were all very excited. What does this mean?"
Interpretation: God is showing you that you are destined to be great. If you dedicate time to developing your God-given gifts, you will certainly become great like those celebrities. The Bible says "The gift of a man makes room for him and brings him before kings." Do not take your gifts for granted because it will take you to greater height and place you among great men.
Dream of Eating Vegetables

Dream: "Irene from Kenya, I saw myself eating a lot of green vegetables, what does this dream mean?"
Interpretation: Green vegetables is a good one, that means you need to eat more of God's word. Enrich your mind with knowledge and secure more of God's wisdom. Words that has the capability to encourage you and open your ears to instructions that build your courage and faith in God.
Dream of Eating Meat

Spider Dream
Killing a spider
Spider on your head
Spider on your eyes
Spiders in your car
Dream: "Esosa from UK, I dreamt that I was eating meat and it was so delicious and I began to share the meat with my other two siblings, does this mean I have initiated them into witchcraft? Please I'm a child of God"
Interpretation: When you eat in the dream, don't assume it is witchcraft! Sometimes it could be witchcraft but in this case, God is blessing you with exceptional wisdom and spiritual protein(wisdom) into your life. And when you have wisdom, do you know what you do.... The Bible says the wise man saves his family and your family will be delivered from penury and hardship.
Dream of Eating with Dead People

Dream: "My name is Happiness and I'm from Dublin Ireland. I have been having this recurring dream where I see myself talking and eating with dead people whom I knew back when I was young. Why is this always happening? ."
Interpretation: This dream indicates the spirit of sickness, depression and anxiety. You need to seriously pray against it. This dream is showing that there is a lot bothering you at the moment and the devil wants to take advantage of your worries that is why it is recurrent. Every plan of the devil to attack you with any sickness in order to end your life early the Lord will destroy.
Dream of Eating Beans

Dream: "Gabriel from Guyana, Pastor I had a dream of constantly eating beans in my dreams, it's weird because physically I don’t like it and I barely eat beans, so I was wondering if you could help me with what it means?"
Interpretation: God is speaking to you in parable, it could be an investment you want to embark on, it seems you are someone who just want to put money into something and make quick profit, cooking beans takes time so you need to learn to be patience. Beans is very nutritious so when the long awaited investment is done the outcome would be good. Learn how to wait, that's what this dream of eating beans means
Dream of Eating Snakes

Dream: "Ogo from Nigeria, Good day sir, I had a very weird dream, I dreamt that someone killed two snakes, cooked them and brought them for me to eat. The person imposed it on me, I tried rejecting it but he kept on pressuring me to eat it then I woke up. I am so worried because in real life I have not eaten a snake in my entire life before."
Interpretation: Hello Ogo, dreaming of someone forcing you to eat a snake doesn’t really mean literal snakes, but what God is trying to tell you is to be careful of getting into a relationship with someone who will consistently inject you with bad things. Someone is trying to influence your attitude, teach you things that won’t help you. Guide you against such.
Dream of Eating Someone's Pant

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Dream: "Mariana from Italy, in my dream I saw an old woman and she gave me her underwear to eat, I refused then she slapped me and forced me to eat it. I began eating it, though it was very bitter but I was eating it like bread. I ate it till I woke up from sleep."
Interpretation: You need to fast and pray, praying against dangerous adulterous spirit. This indicates a plan of the devil to infuse you with spirit of Nymphomania, someone who can not control her sexual urge, one who sleeps with women of all kind and age. it’s a demonic initiation pray against it, cry to God in prayer to help you, if not, it is going to be terrible.
Dream of Eating Money

Dream: "Louis from US, My wife told me she had a dream she picked a Euro note, and she started eating it, till she woke up from the dream. Please man of God I will really appreciate it, if you can help me with the Interpretation of the dream.."
Interpretation: The Lord opened the eyes of your wife to see, so she would not engage in wasteful spending of money, she wants to engage in spending recklessly on unnecessary things. What happens is, when wastage comes, depression follows and when depression comes, divorce might be the next option. Tell her to be economical and resourceful as a good wife so your marriage won't be destroyed.
Dream of Eating my Shoe

Dream: "Joy from Ghana, in the dream I had last night, I dreamed that I was slicing, cooking my shoe like meat, and I was ready, like prepared to eat it when I woke up."
Interpretation: Your dream here means you are ready to put money into something, could be an investment and God is giving you the permission to go ahead because it’s going to yield increase, it will put food on your table. Take the step don’t be scared.
Dream of Cooking and Eating Beans

Finding yourself cooking and eating beans in a dream is a divine communication urging you to cultivate the spirit of patience, particularly in matters of investment. As you are aware, cooking beans demands a considerable amount of patience and time to achieve the desired softness. Similarly, in the realm of investments and planting, acquiring dividends requires dedicated effort, maturity and the willingness to wait for the right time so you can enjoy it to the fullest.
Dream of Eating Too much and Vomiting it

When you see yourself eating and at the same time vomiting, this is God telling you to be very careful with your desires so that you are not enveloped by the spirit of greed, This dream may manifest if you harbour intense covetousness in your heart. If you are constantly unsatisfied with your current possessions and seek to acquire things from others through deceit and scams. Perhaps you disdain generosity, solely prioritising the collection from others then get ready to start having this dream.
Dream of Being Forced to Eat Allergy Food

When someone forces you or compels you to eat food that you are allergic to or dislike, it could be someone you know or don't know, it signifies that someone is attempting to poison your emotions or make you emotionally unstable. God wants you to be vigilant because someone may intend to use repulsive and hurtful statements to demoralise and weaken you physically and spiritually.
Dream of Feasting with lots of People

This is a fantastic dream! When you see yourself having a feast or celebrating with a lot of people, God is indicating that He is about to do something wonderful and amazing in your life that will attract good things. He is ready to bless you with divine favour and a miracle that will bring people to celebrate with you. God wants to give you a spectacular miracle beyond your expectations. When you wake up, immediately start thanking God for a new beginning in your life.
Dream of Eating Roasted Fish

If you dream of eating a well-spiced roasted fish, so sweet that you don't want it to finish, this is a very powerful dream that can indicate you're about to receive a fantastic divine direction and instruction. Perhaps you have been praying to God to place you on the right path in life; this dream is a clear indication that God wants to make you a better version of yourself and bless you with someone that will offer you the right advice to be successful.
Dream of Eating with Mad People

If you have been constantly seeing yourself in dreams eating with mad people and have been wondering what God is trying to communicate to you, this is a dream that comes with two implications, it is either you will battle with anger people or depression in life. Be aware that certain battles are coming against your life that will attract arguments, confrontations, anger, pain and arrogant people your way.
Dream of Eating & Enjoying Pork

As intriguing as this dream may be, it also carries a divine message from God about your life. Anytime you find yourself eating and enjoying pork meat in your dream until they wake up. This could mean that you are ungodly, and your lifestyle and behaviour is unpleasant to God. He is using this dream to caution you to change your ways and make God your priority. God wants you to examine yourself critically and turn away from anything that will invite His wrath and judgement upon you.
Dream of Eating Insects (while fasting)

This is a peculiar type of dream that can occur during times of praying and fasting, or especially when you are in a deep connection with God, seeking His intervention for a situation or challenge. This dream can indicate that you are going to overcome destroyers and devourers or you are going to be consumed by destroyers and devourers. Secondly, when you have this dream, God may be warning you about an impending distraction that could potentially destroy your finances, business, or anything that brings you joy.
Dream of Eating Your Hair

If you've been having this dream of eating your hair God is saying to you that you are engaging in self-destructive habits, such as speaking negatively into your life and the lives of people around you, words that would diminish the glory of God upon your life and provide the devil with a pathway to her destiny. This is a warning from God to stop such acts and rather speak positively into your life so He can bless you
Dream of Eating Worms

If you have a dream and you are eating worms or suddenly find worms in what you were eating. I want to present two scenarios of worms to give you a clear understanding: There are healthy worms that are good for the body and help us fight against bacteria, while there are also deadly worms that can crash our systems once they find their way into our bodies. When you have this dream, the first question you should be asking is, “What kind of worms was I eating?” If it is a healthy worm, then it means you will overcome sickness and reproach sent into your life to destroy you, but if it is a deadly worm then you might suffer irrecoverable losses.
Dream of Eating Fruits With Worms

If you find yourself in a dream eating fresh fruit and suddenly find worms inside, I am going to give you two examples that God explain what God is trying to tell you. It could be that you are about to take a job offer, and the pay is very tempting, but unknowingly to you there are hidden dangers in that job that could destroy her life.
Secondly, it might indicate that you are on the verge of entering into a relationship with someone very dangerous, capable of causing you pain and suffering and this can lead to fear, anxiety, and depression in your life.
Dream of Eating Books

When you find yourself eating a book in a dream, it could indicate that God is encouraging you to absorb information that will grant you greater wisdom, compitence, understanding, and insights that will contribute to making your life more productive. The second meaning could be that God wants you to learn how to absorb information and keep secrets. In other words, God wants you to be slow to speak and quick to listen singling that you should not rush in making critical decisions and apply more wisdom to matters concerning your success and progress.
Dream of Eating Snakes

The first thing this dream may signify is that you are poised to overcome hypocrites. Perhaps there are individuals around you who pretend to be your friends but are secretly plotting your downfall. God is symbolically announcing that you will triumph over them. These individuals can be likened to snakes. The second interpretation of this dream suggests that you may be on the verge of being influenced by a snake spirit. This spirit could induce greed and jealousy within you for others.
Dream of Eating Broken Glass

If you ever find yourself in a dream where you are eating broken glass as if it were a delicious plate of food, In this dream, God may be using symbolism to communicate that you are on the verge of encountering frustration and a painful experience that will disrupt your joy and peace. It's an indication that the devil is plotting to afflict you with challenges and suffering that may be very difficult to endure.
Dream of Seeing A Dog Eating Its Pups

Under normal circumstances, a dog should not consume its puppies. If you happen to witness such a situation in your dream, it carries a profound message from God. The symbolic meaning suggests that you may be figuratively devouring your future or living a life without planning and investment. You don't care about the outcome of your future which is why you are living a wasteful life.
Dream of Eating Groundnuts

Groundnut is a familiar nut that holds nutritional value for the body. If you find yourself eating groundnuts in a dream or suddenly encounter them while eating, it signifies that God is about to provide you with crucial information that can enhance your safety in life. Information that will bring joy, blessing and protection for both your physical and spiritual well-being. God aims to bless you with a discerning spirit that will elevate you above your enemies.
Dream of Eating Snails

If you encounter a snail in your dream this indicates that the spirit of delay and limitation is coming upon you. God can also use this dream to encourage you to cultivate the spirit of tolerance and carefulness in difficult times if you desire to make positive results in life. This dream also suggests the importance of making careful decisions to avoid regrets and emphasises the value of taking things slowly and steadily so you dont chase away your helpers.
Dream of Eating canned fish with Maggots

When you have a dream where you are about to eat or in the process of eating fish from a can, and suddenly you notice maggots all over the can, this represents two things either you are consuming beneficial information but from a tainted or corrupt source which has condemned it, or you are receiving information from a pastor that may appear good and insightful, but the message conveyed can potentially lead you into condemination and destruction.
Dream of Eating Bread and Finding A Snake Inside It

This dream can come in different context. For example, if in the dream you bought the bread yourself, it might signify that powerful information is coming to you, but ultimately, it could lead to your destruction. It could be a relationship you are involved in; and God is using this dream to warn you so you dont fall into a disaster that can ruin your life completely. It can also come as business you are about to venture into, God is telling you to look closely before committing to it so you are not blinded by the turnover and opportunities that come with it, as, in the end, you can lose all you invested in it.
Dream of Eating Yam That Changes to Goat Head

Whenever you have this dream, it is a call from God for you to pay attention to the people you trust and interact with. If you find yourself in the dream eating yam with a friend and suddenly it turns into the head of a goat, what God is saying to you is that you are having a good conversation with someone (symbolised as the yam), but it will lead to manipulation (symbolised by the goat head). This means that someone you trust so much is about to mislead you into danger.
• Father, I fight every satanic plan to inflict me with infirmity or any terrible habit that will become a gateway for the devil to shatter my life. I block everyone around me from being used as an entry point into my life!
Shout I am victorious by the blood of Jesus Christ 7 times
Repeat with faith for 3 nights
Dreams carry messages that are specific to everyone. The message in your dreams would be relative to what God wants you to know. If you have any of these dreams, it is a sign you need to seek divine interpretation one-on-one. Do not generalize your dreams because your experience might not align with a general interpretation.
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