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Paul S Joshua, a Christian dream interpreter online

The Spiritual Meaning of Dream of Exams
by Dr. Paul S Joshua

Students Taking Exams

What does it mean spiritually to dream of writing exams?

Have you ever had a dream of exams? Possibly you have a dream where you find yourself in an old school writing an exam. Some people have shared they dream about writing exams but failing while others dream of writing exams but not finishing. All these dreams are a symbol of challenges. Dream of exams is significant to your life because it reveals some challenges you are facing that might be weakening you from moving forward. 


If you are also confused about the meaning of seeing yourself in an old village house in the dream, click to read the spiritual meanings of old village house dreams


Let's look at the various spiritual interpretations of dream of exams and what God is saying through this symbol.

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The dream of exams either writing or failing an exam can indicate that you are under tremendous fear of challenges, and difficulties or that your strength and faith are small. God is speaking to you through dream of exams not to be afraid; because in life, challenges must come, and all you need to do is to ask for the grace to defeat and prevail over them all. God is saying you need to get rid of fear.


Your level of courage will determine the level of achievements you will have in life, and all things are possible to those who believe. This means that no matter how little your faith is, there is no problem it cannot change, handle or move. Always remember that you can do all things by the grace and strength of God, and keep encouraging yourself that you will overcome all troubles in your life.



The dream of exams failure or failing an exam can also mean that you will battle with the spirit of disappointment. If you constantly see yourself in the dream arriving late to an exam, God is symbolically telling you that the spirit of disappointment is on the verge of destroying your life and destiny.


If you have been experiencing a series of disappointments. It might be in marriage, business, or career. God is revealing this dream to you because the devil wants to frustrate your life, and make you depressed. Whenever you have this type of dream, it’s an important message from God urging you to pray for your life and destiny. He wants you to fight against any demon standing in the way of your success and prosperity in life. You need to challenge and fight such spirit if you desire to fulfill your destiny in life.

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Dream of writing and failing an exam can mean you have given up on yourself, and life itself. Once you believe nothing good can come out of you, you are a failure or you are going nowhere in life; you will start having this type of dream, and the devil will keep using it to convince you that you are a lifetime failure. God is telling you through this dream not to allow the devil into your life so you don’t start feeling you are a failure. When you wake up, start speaking positive things into your life.  Seek spiritual counsel one on one with me to strengthen your spirit


If you dream of exam failure or failing an exam, it can mean you are about to compromise your integrity and lose your strength of dignity or the power of honor in you. When you have this type of dream, God is telling you to begin to assess and restrategize yourself so you don’t fail the test of integrity. 


Ask the Holy Spirit to help protect your integrity so you don’t sell it out cheaply, and if you don’t pray about it, you stand a chance of compromising to sin and temptations that will come your way, and you may lose the standard that God has deposited in you.



The dream of writing and failing an exam can also indicate that you are about to lose a huge opportunity coming your way. Maybe you are expecting something or trusting God for a miracle, blessing, or favour, and then you have this dream. God is saying to you; pray against anything that will make you lose it.


The devil wants to take away your beautiful opportunity, and God is revealing it to you because he wants you to offer a counterattack to stop and frustrate the activities of the devil against your life. Work your way through prayers and faith and you will receive all the blessings God has made for you.



The dream of arriving late to an exam or event can also symbolize robbers of favour coming against your life. One of the ways your favour can be rubbed is through the dream of coming late. If you constantly find yourself in the dream arriving late to an exam or event, this is a sign that the devil wants to steal your blessings.


If you discover that anytime you are about to receive a financial blessing or a marital favour, you always fall sick or you start having issues and eventually lose it. This is a sign that someone is diverting your blessings, if you have been praying about this and you have this dream, God is telling you that you should pray against demons working against your favour.


Dreams carry messages that are specific to everyone. The message in your dreams would be relative to what God wants you to know. If you have any of these dreams, it is a sign you need to seek divine interpretation one-on-one. Do not generalize your dreams because your experience might not align with a general interpretation. Discover more than 1000 dreams & spiritual interpretations here

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Do you have other dreams?

Find their spiritual meaning below

Ex Boy/Girl friend

  • Seeing your ex buying you a house

  • Your ex feeding you

  • Your ex buying you a gift

  • Ex proposing to you

  • Ex having sex with you

  • Seeing yourself in village

  • Lost in the village

  • Farming in the village

  • Sitting in a village

Naked Dream

  • Walking naked in the house

  • Seeing your boss naked

  • Seeing your husband naked

  • Being Naked in public places

  • Someone touching you naked

  • Seeing your brother naked

Worm Dreams

  • Worms on your head

  • Worms in your urine

  • Worms on the Bible

  • Worms on your hand

  • Worms going in your feet

  • Worms in my cup

Poop/Stool Dreams

  • Pooping and being cleaned up by dead person

  • Pooping on your wedding day

  • Baby pooping

  • Stepping in poop

  • Eating poop

Teeth falling out

  • Losing four teeth 

  • Someone removing your teeth

  • My fiancée had no teeth

  • Your mom losing her teeth

  • Having only one teeth left

Dead People

  • Feeding dead people

  • Swimming with dead people

  • Eating with dead people

  • Burying dead people

  • Seeing yourself dead

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