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Paul S Joshua, a Christian dream interpreter online

The Spiritual Meaning of Dream of Cheating on your Spouse/Partner
by Dr. Paul S Joshua

Image by Romina Ahmadpour

What does cheating on your spouse in a dream mean?

Most people who have a dream about cheating on their partner are worried that the dream indicates there’s a problem in their relationship. This may be the case. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that you wish to be unfaithful in real life. Instead, the dream might be your mind’s way of highlighting issues in your relationship that need attention.

God uses this dream to communicate an urgent need to pray for your relationship as something is about to happen that may lead to a shattered union. 


If you are also confused about the meaning of seeing yourself getting married in the dream, click to read spiritual meanings of dream of getting married to your Ex.


Let's look at the various spiritual interpretations of dream of cheating on your spouse and what God is saying through this symbol.

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Dream of Cheating on your Spouse Sucking Another Woman's Breast

If you are a married man, or you are in a serious relationship, and you dream of cheating on your spouse by sucking another woman’s breast, God is speaking parabolically to you that the spirit of temptation is coming on you, or you are about to fall into lust with another person; which will push your marriage/relationship into a big crisis or devastation, and ruin the trust in your relationship.


God is using this dream to warn you that the devil has prepared a temptation for you so that you can take the necessary precautions to stop it.  

Dream of Cheating on your spouse through intercourse

Dream of seeing yourself having sexual intercourse with another woman who is not your wife. This is another demonic dream against your marriage and relationship. God is saying to you that you are heading for doom, tragedy and crisis; He wants you to be careful, and pray against anything that will lure you into adultery and fornication; so you don’t lose your partner or spouse. 

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Dream of Seeing yourself Cheating on your Spouse

Dream of seeing yourself cheating on your partner, or your partner cheating on you indicates that the devil is out to attack your marriage or relationship. One of the key things that the devil attacks are marriages and relationships. He destroys the bond and union you are enjoying with your partner. Whenever you have this type of dream, God is signaling to you that the devil wants to send the spirit of confusion and contention against you and your partner, and soon you both will break up and start enduring the difficulties of staying or keeping a relationship or marriage. 

Dream of Seeing yourself Cheating on your Spouse Means Emotional Stress

When you see yourself in a dream cheating on your spouse or partner, God is sending you a signal that you are fighting, or under emotional stress. When your mind is not in a good condition or state, you are likely to have dreams of going after another woman or man who is not your partner. You need to ask the Holy Spirit to take away any stress in your life because the devil launches a strong attack when you are under emotional stress, and floods your mind with evil thoughts. You need to be very careful whenever you have this kind of dream.

Dream of Seeing yourself Cheating on your Spouse Means Spirit of Betrayal

Dream of cheating on your spouse can also mean God is trying to tell you that you tend to betray your partner, or break a covenant or promise that you made to your partner. When you start having this dream, it means your life is heading for tragedy. You need to pray about it or you are going to be a betrayal to people who love and trust you deeply. 

Dream of Seeing yourself Cheating on your Spouse Means Spiritual Attack

When you dream of cheating on your spouse, it can symbolize that your relationship is under or about to face a spiritual attack. God is using this dream as a warning to pray against a spiritual attack coming on your relationship; if you don’t pray about it, you will be a victim of a broken relationship and the consequences will be too hard for you to handle. 

Dream of Seeing yourself Cheating on your Spouse Means Spirit of Lust

Dream of cheating on your spouse or partner can mean you are Lascivious, which indicates you have been possessed by a spirit called Beelzebub in charge of lust. it could be that you have become greedy for another woman or man who is not your partner. Lust is a spirit that can come into your life and become the captain and make you captive and you will start dancing to its tune by going after multiple sex partners. God is signaling you through this dream to be careful and guide your heart against the spirit of lust so you don’t become a captive of infidelity. 

Dream of Seeing yourself Cheating on your Spouse Means Fall from Grace

If you dream of making love or having fun with another person who is not your spouse it shows you are about to fall from grace or lose the grace of God upon your life. When you have this dream just know that the consequences of your actions are like walking on a hot coal and you will not go unpunished.


These punishments come as terrible diseases, financial bankruptcy or you will start deteriorating in life. God is sending this dream as a warning to you because once your mind is captured by this dream and in real life you don’t pray against it by asking God to help you resist and defeat such tendencies and you fall into it, then your destiny is lost.


When you wake up if you are guilty of it, repent of your sins and stop any behavior of cheating that will bring the anger of God upon you. 

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Spiritual Meaning of Dream of your spouse​ cheating on you
  • Dream of your spouse cheating on you means Lack of Trust

When you dream of your partner cheating on you with someone else, God can reveal this dream to you if you have been constantly praying about your relationship. If your partner is faithful and realistic with you, you might not have this kind of dream; but if you have this kind of dream, God wants you to pay attention to something. This dream could indicate a lack of trust or your relationship is suffering from insecurity. When you have this kind of dream, you need to first assess yourself as the dreamer if you are feeling or battling with insecurities in your relationship, you have to validate that first so you don’t accuse your partner wrongly. 

  • Dream of your spouse cheating on you means Loss of Affection

Dreaming of your partner cheating on you can be a way God is using to tell you that your partner is falling for another person, getting into temptation, or having an interest in another person; especially when the dream is consistent. You need to engage in a peaceful conversation with your partner to know if he or she is involved with another person so you can be careful and pray about it, so you don’t lose your relationship.

  • Dream of your spouse cheating on you means Spirit of Lust

Dream of seeing your partner cheating on you can indicate that your partner is fighting or will be consumed with the spirit of lust, and God is quickly alerting you to start praying for your partner; possibly he or she hasn’t cheated yet but soon will start cheating on you. This dream is revealed to you so you can be very careful and know how to help your partner otherwise once he or she falls into lust; he or she will carry it out in reality. 

  • Dream of your spouse cheating on you means Spirit of Unfaithfulness

When you dream of seeing your partner cheating on you, it could mean that your partner is not faithful to you anymore, and has broken the ethics of fidelity; especially if the dream persists. God wants you to watch your way in such a relationship and pray about it. If after you have prayed, you still have this dream; just know that your partner is no more for you. It is either you get out of the relationship or sit down and iron things out, and if it can’t be mended you need to let it go because it will be difficult to deal with an unfaithful partner. 

  • Dream of your spouse cheating on you means Dying Feelings

If you dream of seeing your partner cheating on you, God can be communicating to you that your partner’s feelings are dying for you, and if it is not resurrected through prayers it will die completely. You have to decide if you want to be with a dead love, or if you want to let go and search for a living love. Anytime your partner has developed the intention to cheat on you, God can show you what is going on in the spirit of your partner and expose their intentions so that you can be careful. 

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Dreams carry messages that are specific to everyone. The message in your dreams would be relative to what God wants you to know. If you have any of these dreams, it is a sign you need to seek divine interpretation one-on-one. Do not generalize your dreams because your experience might not align with a general interpretation. Discover more than 1000 dreams & spiritual interpretations here

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Do you have other dreams?

Find their spiritual meaning below

Ex Boy/Girl friend

  • Seeing your ex buying you a house

  • Your ex feeding you

  • Your ex buying you a gift

  • Ex proposing to you

  • Ex having sex with you

  • Seeing yourself in village

  • Lost in the village

  • Farming in the village

  • Sitting in a village

Naked Dream

  • Walking naked in the house

  • Seeing your boss naked

  • Seeing your husband naked

  • Being Naked in public places

  • Someone touching you naked

  • Seeing your brother naked

Worm Dreams

  • Worms on your head

  • Worms in your urine

  • Worms on the Bible

  • Worms on your hand

  • Worms going in your feet

  • Worms in my cup

Poop/Stool Dreams

  • Pooping and being cleaned up by dead person

  • Pooping on your wedding day

  • Baby pooping

  • Stepping in poop

  • Eating poop

Teeth falling out

  • Losing four teeth 

  • Someone removing your teeth

  • My fiancée had no teeth

  • Your mom losing her teeth

  • Having only one teeth left

Dead People

  • Feeding dead people

  • Swimming with dead people

  • Eating with dead people

  • Burying dead people

  • Seeing yourself dead

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