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Spiritual Interpretations to Dream of Dead Person

When you constantly stand, sit and speak with dead people, this could mean invitation to the world of the dead. That is, untimely death is looming on you. It could also mean your mind (soul) is suffering from depression. You will need to pray against the spirit of untimely death and depression. It also means spirit of sudden destruction. Below are some spiritual interpretations and prayer points for you.

sitting on toilet


Dream Of Dead Person Cleaning Me After Pooping

Dream: "Yvonne from US, I had a dream of dead person I knew was cleaning me up after I finished pooping. I was not shy or disgusted. What could this mean?

Interpretation: Dream of dead person that came to clean you up is not the same person you know. This dream is showing you that you are going to get into a horrible situation  that could lead to public disgrace, shame and embarrassment but God is going to use someone you least expected to bring you out of that looming disaster.  


Dream of Dead Person Swimming with Me

Dream: "I had a dream where I saw myself swimming with someone I knew who died five years ago under a miserable circumstance. Please, what does this dream mean?"

InterpretationThrough this dream of dead person swimming with you, God is pre-informing you of a terrible situation that will come up in your life and might end up taking your life. You need to pray and ask the Lord to avert any misery that wants to befall you that will lead to untimely death.



Dream of Dead Person Having Sex with Me


Dream: "I always dream of dead person having sex with me and I'm enjoying it. It's so horrible when I wake up and the guilt eats me up every night. What does this dream mean?"

Interpretation This is a renewal of an evil covenant with the spirit of failure, pain, hardship and frustration in order to ruin your glory and destiny. The devil wants to put your life in perpetual hardship til the point you will just become accustomed to it and that's why you were enjoying it. You must break that covenant. Pray and ask the Lord to destroy every evil spirit that wants to establish any evil covenant with you.


Dream of Dead Person Eating with Me

Dream: "I'm Ange from California, I dream of dead person eating with me or I'm feeding him. This particular person was close to me before he died but I know it's not normal to be eating with a dead person. Please, what does this dream mean?"

Interpretation: In this context, God wants to use you to give life to  hopeless people and strengthen those that have given up on life.  Especially, in a case whereby you cooked the food and shared it to the people, it means God is using you to strengthen people and give life to the lifeless. Also in another context, you can pray against every spirit that wants to join you with the world of the dead. 

Eating Herring


Dream of Breast Feeding a dead Person


Dream: "I had a dream where I was breast feeding a male dead body. Please, what is the implication of this dream?"

Interpretation: God is showing you that you are investing your energy and time on something or someone that will never yield positive result. Through this dream, He is cautioning you to stop investing on that individual and get into another relationship or another business that will flourish. You need the Lord to guide you to make the right choice of partner and business that will yield positive result.   


Dream of Dead Person Sitting and Talking to Me

Dream: "I'm Maurine from UK, I always dream of dead person sitting with me and talking to me. We laugh and keep gisting til I wake up. Please, what does this dream mean?"

Interpretation: When you constantly stand, sit and speak with dead people, you need to be careful and prayerful as this could mean invitation to the world of the dead. That is, untimely death is looming on you.


It could also mean your mind (soul) is suffering from depression. You will need to pray against the spirit of untimely death and depression. It also means spirit of sudden destruction.



Text Guide - (Text Guide. Mark 5:1-19, 1 Cor 15:54-56)


• Every devil seeking to kill me untimely Iarrest you and hand you over to the Heavenly court for condemnation in Jesus name

• My life is in the Lord's hand I shall not die now for I am a covenant child to bring glory to my God, so devil you have missed it!

• Death, you cannot sting me until I finish my course so get back to whoever sent you to me you have failed in Jesus Christ name!

• Every demon thirsty for blood, you cannot suck my blood neither any member of my family. My blood is too dangerous, I carry in me the blood of Jesus Christ, so get blood elsewhere I am God's property!

• I crush every spirit of untimely death in my family, your end is here and you will never succeed on us again, we are insured in the blood of Jesus Christ!


Shout I am victorious by the blood of Jesus Christ 7 x

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