Dream of Seeing Yourself Naked
1. Standing naked in the dream could mean DISGRACE looming around your life. The devil is about to disgrace you through an obnoxious (unpleasant) circumstance. You have to pray fervently against his schemes to humiliate you. 2. Dream of someone putting a finger in my private part. Dreamer: "I had a dream, a woman came, put her hands in my private part and brought out something that looked like garri (cassava flake). What does this dream mean?" Interpretation: This is the spirit of adultery and masturbation that wants to stop your progress and destroy your life. This spirit always manifest when ever there is a great door of opportunity in your life and it leaves you after you have lost that opportunity. You need to pray against any satanic plot to manipulate, delay and destroy your progress in order to render your life useless. 3. DREAM OF BEING NAKED & URINATING IN THE CHURCH Interpretation of urinating in the church: This dream is showing you that you are spoiling the house of God and the things of God either by the things you are saying against the church or you attitude. Your body is also the temple of God, you need to make sure you are not desecrating it.
Dream of Fields/Farms
1. Dream of seeing yourself in a field but surrounded by bees. Dream: "I found myself in a field that was filled with bee hives and honey and suddenly, a goat ran towards me and tried to knock me down. Also, I saw my late cousin complaining to me that she didn't like the food I cooked for her. What is the interpretation of this dream?" Dream Interpretation: This means that your life is going to experience a lot of challenges but do not be afraid because those challenges will make you great and better. The goat you saw is a stubborn situation that will come up in your life to try your faith but you have to stand strong and never give up and God will see you through. 2. DREAM OF PEOPLE BURYING A DEAD BODY ON MY FARM LAND Dream: "I saw myself on a vast farm land, I was told it is mine. When I looked, I saw people gathering so I asked my friend what was going on. He told me that they were trying to bury a dead body so I was furious and wanted to go confront them, can you help me with this dream?" Interpretation: God is trying to forewarn you through this dream. A great opportunity is coming your way but many people will not be happy with you and they will want to plot evil against you in order to get you into serious problem. 3. Dream: "I saw a lot of birds all over my farm and I was so happy looking at them. What could this mean Sir?" Dream Interpretation: This is showing that God has imparted in you potentials that will make you a blessing to many lives. People will be glad to know someone like you. You need to keep working on your potentials and gifts because many lives will be blessed through you and this is what will give you excitement and fulfillment.

Dream of Swimming
If you find yourself swimming in a dream what could it mean? First, your conventional understanding of this may be initiation to the marine world. This may not be a very accurate interpretation in most cases. It could rather mean, DIFFICULT STRUGGLES AND HARDSHIP IN LIFE. Swimming in the dream could depict facing a lot ofdifficulties in life. So you have to ask God to help you, because you will face serious struggle in life. When you have such dreams I recommend you pray the below points and standing strong on God's unfailing love to see you through any ordeal you will go through in life. * Father, calm every storm rising against my life as I trust in your supernatural grace that calmed the wave of the sea. * I speak to every trail, struggle or difficulties facing my life to bow to the authority in the name of Jesus Christ! * I receive power and wisdom to defeat all the struggles in my life in the name of Jesus Christ! 2. Dream of swimming with someone that died. Dream Interpretation: God is pre-informing you of a terrible situation that you will come up in your life and might end your life.
Dream of Dead People
1. Recurrent dream of eating and talking with dead people. Why is this always happening? You need to seriously pray against the spirit of sickness, depression and anxiety. This dream is showing that there is a lot bothering you at the moment and the devil wants to take advantage of your worries that is why it is recurrent. Also pray that every plan of the devil to attack you with any sickness in order to end your life early the Lord will destroy. 2. "I see myself having sex with a dead person in the dream." This is an ancestral spirit trying to renew an evil covenant in your life. You have to pray against any evil that wants to establish any covenant with the spirit of failure, hardship and pain in your life. 3. "I had a dream where I was stooling and a dead person I know came to clean me up. What does this mean?" It is not that person you know that came to clean you up. When you are stooling in the dream, toxic things are coming out of you. This dream is showing you that someone you never believed will come to save you from a very big mess, mistake and embarrassment you will get into. 4. "Sir, I saw a relative of mine who is dead long ago feeding me with food in the dream." Interpretation This is actually not a good dream, to see a dead relative feeding you in the dream re-occurently. This is the meaning, the devil is planning a severe sickness (ailment) for you. You have to pray against any evil disease targeting your life shall fail by the blood of Jesus.

Dream of Teeth Falling Out
1. The spiritual interpretation of seeing your teeth falling out or being removed. You are about to lose your authority in life. The devil is out to render you powerless so your voice will no longer be relevant. 2. Dream of losing all your teeth except one. Dream Interpretation: This dream is showing you that God is taking certain things away from your life because He wants to grow you spiritually and emotionally. Those teeth that fell out could also represent people that you depend on so much. God is taking them out of your life so that you can learn to depend on Him alone. 3. DREAM OF LOSING FOUR TEETH Dream: I had a dream where four of my teeth was pulled out and I was unable to eat. What is the meaning of this dream? Interpretation: This could be God taking out four people from your life that you rely on so much in order for you to learn to rely absolutely on Him. God wants to groom you to the point where you depend on Him alone because the bible says "By strength shall no man prevail" and "Woe to him that makes mortal men his trust but blessed is the man who trusts in God and makes God his confidence". Through this dream, God could also be communicating to you that your authority and influence is about to be taken away from you.
Dream of Flying
Always flying in the dream. Flying in the dream does not necessarily mean you are possessed with evil spirit. It could mean endowment with grace to do extraordinary things in life. It could mean God granting you speed to finish your outstanding project earlier than you planned. So pray for supernatural grace to do the impossible. I hope you are clear. (The dreamer is so happy and expresses his appreciation).

Dream of Plane Crash
1. If you always dream of a plane crashing in front of you. What could this means? it could mean that you are about to lose an important person in your life. 2. It could mean that you are about to lose a huge investment. 3. It could mean that you are about to lose your relationship or a major opportunity of your life. 4. It could mean that you are close to losing your salvation because you have backslided. You need to pray against losing anything important in your life.
Dream of Seeing Rats
1. "I was eating rats with three of my friends and it tasted great. What could this dream mean?" This could mean that you are learning some behaviors that are not good. Be careful not to accept any advice that will shatter your destiny. 2. "I dreamt and saw my self in my village but the room was so dirty and filled with rats. What could this mean? That means evil has taken over your family maybe because of your absence. Your family might have left God's part. You need to be careful and monitor the spiritual growth of your family. 3. "I had a dream and I saw lots of rat on my bed, I was scared and I tried to drive them out but they refused to live. Your dream indicated that you are surrounded by criminals. You have to tread with care where you live.

Text Guide - Isa 38: 1-6, Isa 40: 10-12
1. Every programme of disgrace against my life I destroying the name of Jesus Christ.
2. Whatever the devil has arrange to put me to shame I nullify, I shall not fall under any of his humiliation, I stand against him by the blood of the lamb.
3. I shall not be subject of mockery in my enemies' hand. Oh Lord arise and preserve me against the devil's plot.
4. My life will not fall to the speculation of the wicked.
5. Whatever I will do that will put my destiny to shame, may I not do it oh Lord!
6. Father, surround me with your glory so the enemies will not see my nakedness, I will not fall into the hands of my enemies. Do not give me as prey to my enemies oh Lord! Let all their plans against me bounce back on them.
Text Guide - Psa. 20 & 121
You can back it with at least 2 days fasting.
1. I rage against every satanic plan to keep my destiny in frustration by the authority in the name of Jesus Christ!
2. Every force collaborating to frustrate my work, career or business I shatter in the name of Jesus Christ!
3. I reject every spirit of toiling, working without any tangible result in my life in the name of Jesus Christ!
4. I disconnect myself from the lifestyle of fruitless struggles, I will never be a vagabond in life, my life will not be meaningless, useless and shameless in the name of Jesus Christ!
5. I shall have evidence of success in my life, I shall not be subject of pity to my colleagues and family members.
6.I will bring joy to my generation, devil you have failed in your attempt to make me useless in life.
1. Father, calm every storm rising against my life as I trust in your supernatural grace that calmed the wave of the sea.
2. I speak to every trail, struggle or difficulties facing my life to bow to the authority in the name of Jesus Christ!
3. I receive power and wisdom to defeat all the struggles in my life in the name of Jesus Christ!
4. I shall see the end of my troubles, my troubles will not see my end in the name of Jesus Christ.
5. Every problem in my life, I receive the way out from the spirit of God. I shall never be a victim in life, I shall be a victor from now on.
6. Satan get out of my way for my time to shine is here, I will not sigh again in Jesus mighty name I pray!
(Text Guide. Mark 5:1-19, 1. Cor 15:54-56)
1. Every devil seeking to kill me untimely I arrest you and hand you over to the Heavenly court for condemnation in Jesus name
2. My life is in the Lord's hand I shall not die now for I am a covenant child to bring glory to my God, so devil you have missed it!
3. Death, you cannot sting me until I finish my course so get back to whoever sent you to me you have failed in Jesus Christ name!
4. Every demon thirsty for blood, you cannot suck my blood neither any member of my family. My blood is too dangerous, I carry in me the blood of Jesus Christ, so get blood elsewhere I am God's property!
5. I crush every spirit of untimely death in my family, your end is here and you will never succeed on us again, we are insured in the blood of Jesus Christ!
Shout I am victorious by the blood of Jesus Christ 7 x
Dr. Paul S Joshua is a gifted online spiritual Dream interpreter and a prophet with the unique gift of dream interpretation. Whatever your dreams are, the Grace of God can decode the dream and deliver the hidden messages to you.
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If you have dreams you need interpreted, share your dreams one on one with Dr. Paul S Joshua for the interpretation online.