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Spiritual Dream Guide & Diagnosis

Dreams that are uncommon are only shown to you once in a while. You could have these dreams when you sin and you need to urgently repent or God needs you to take a desperate step. Check out the spiritual dreams and interpretation to be properly guided when you have them. 

why you forget your dreams

Why You Forget Your Dreams

1. When you don't take dreams seriously because you are not aware it is one of the means God speaks to man, you will likely forget your dreams. In order to remember your dreams, you need to understand that your dreams are relevant to your day to day life and vital to your safety. 2. When there is no significant message in any dream you have, you will certainly forget that dream. 3. Having memory loss or short memory this could make you forget your dreams. To remember your dreams, you need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you and bring all your dreams to remembrance. I recommend writing down your dreams the moment you wake up and the Holy Spirit will bring to mind the important details He wishes to pass

restore your dreams

How to Restore Your Dreams with Prayers

"Dream is your vision that helps you navigate through life, losing your dream means losing your sight" 1. Jot down your dreams: There is a proverb that says "the faintest pen is shaper than the sharpest brain". Always jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up especially when there is a significant message in that dream. You can always refer back to your note. You should also seek the help of a spiritual dream interpreter someone who has the gifting and ability to interpret dreams. 2. Prayer of mercy: When you always dream and forget it, you need to pray and ask the Lord to have mercy on you. Take for example the case of Daniel and king Nebuchadnezzar in the bible. The king had a significant dream but when he woke up, he couldn't recall the dream. When Daniel was called to tell the king the dream and interpret it, he had to seek mercy of the Lord to help him know the dream and interpret the dream and God showed him mercy, revealed the dream to him and gave him the interpretation. The same thing applies to our present day, when you keep having dreams but you cant remember them, go to the Lord in prayer and ask for mercy, He will help you and bring to remembrance any dream you have. OTHER PRAYER POINTS TO HELP YOU REMEMBER YOUR DREAMS. 1. Pray against every locust spirit that devours your dream life because the spirit of locust is responsible for the loss of your dreams (Joel 1: 14). Repeat this prayers " Every locust that reduces my brain to 'low cost', I revoke your powers and influence over my destiny in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ". "Every locust eating my dream, taking my dream, swallowing my dream and stripping me off my dream, in the name of Jesus from now you have failed as The Lord has exposed you to me, you have no place any more in my dream life I shall retain my dream" 2. You need to pray against every evil bird that comes to steal your dreams and makes you not to remember your dream. 3. Also, pray against the spirit of gross darkness at work in your life that the devil uses to take away your dreams. Lay your hands on your head and repeat this prayer " Every spirit of gross darkness that makes me lose my dream, that makes me forget all my dream and rob me of my dream, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus". Declare "I shall not lose my dream anymore in the name of Jesus". 3. Free your heart from every burden: The cares of life are never ending and as humans we can be overwhelmed with life troubles sometimes and this is one of the reasons we forget our dream. To be able to remember your dreams, you need to let go of life troubles, worries, anxiety, burdens, grudges, bitterness and pains of the past and present that occupy your heart and makes it difficult for you to get any message God is trying to communicate to you through your dreams. For example, when your hard disc is full, there is no way any other information can be stored on that hard disc but when you free up some space from it by taking out things you no longer need, you can add new important information to that hard disc.

overcome spirit husband

How to Overcome Spiritual Husbands/Wives

1. Break blood covenant: 1 Corin. 6:16 "He that joins himself to a harlot has united himself to her". Sex outside marriage automatically opens the door for the devil to inflict you with spiritual husband or wife and ruin your life. Every blood covenant you have had in the past through pre-marital sexual involvement must be broken through fervent and effectual prayers after you give your life totally to Christ. 2. Prayer and praise: To be free from spiritual husband or wife, you have to pray every night before going to bed and read "Matthew 15: 13, "Whatever is not planted by my heavenly father shall be rooted out". Sing praises and worship and saturate the atmosphere with the presence of God. Declare, "NO SPIRIT WIFE OR HUSBAND WILL HAVE ACCESS TO ME BECAUSE I CARRY THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND NO OTHER BLOOD IS PERMITTED IN MY LIFE" 3. Use the word of God: Keep proclaiming the word of the Lord over your life because your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and not a temple for evil spirit spouse and demons. 4. Break point of contact: To totally get rid of spirit spouse, you have to break every form of contact. This could be either the things you read or watch, the people you relate with and people you have pre marital sex with. There is a scripture that says behind every fire, there is a wood but when you take out the wood, the fire ceases". In other words, do away with anything that gives those spirit spouse access into your life.

interpret your dreams

How to Interpret Your Dreams

Every creature of God is subject to dream because the soul does not sleep and knowing the right meaning of these dreams is very relevant to our day to day living. To know the right interpretation of your dreams, you have to mind the people you go to for interpretation as the misinterpretation of critical dreams can be detrimental to your life. The Holy Spirit alone gives the unique gift of dream interpretation. If you wish to have it, you must be worthy. - Consecrate yourself to God. - Live in purity - Humble yourself in mentorship - Seek the the help of true men of God that have the gift of dream interpretation.

causes of evil dreams

Causes of Evil Dreams

There are three major causes, I call them 'M3' They are MOOD, MEDICATIONS AND MOVIES There are many things that can bring about bad dreams and we will be looking at three causes of evil dreams. 1. Mood: The mood you go to bed with determines the type of dreams you have. After a stressful day, you need to go to bed happy as this will aid a good night rest. The Bible says in proverbs 22 :17, "Joy does good as medicine but sadness dries up the bones". No matter the challenges and stress you go through during the day, you need to retire to bed happy and full of joy in order avoid bad dreams. 2. Medications: There are medications you take that brings about unavoidable nightmares. Medications such as anti-depressant, anti-hypertensive or any other allergy medication can cause bad dreams because when taken at night before going to bed, they have an impact on a particular area of the brain that could affect your sleep. 3. Movies: Generally, when you watch horror movies before going to bed, this could bring about evil dreams because the mind is filled with horrific images that replays while you sleep. Dreams are connected most times to the activities that goes on around you before retiring to bed so you need to be careful with what you watch before going to bed.

how to stop negative dreams

How to Stop Negative Dreams

Negative dreams are mostly contrary to what we desire to see in our life and it comes in different forms. Here are some ways to stop negative dreams from manifesting in your life. 1. Right perception: To stop negative dreams, you need to have the right perception. The bible says "As a man thinks, so is he." Dreams are mostly dependent on perspectives, your perception influences your dreams either positively or negatively because what you believe is what manifests in your life. "The power of inception is hidden in perception" Generally, God opens your eyes to see what is about to happen in your life either negative or positive so that you can pray about it. 2. Pure foundation: If you do not have a pure foundation, you can never stop negative dreams from manifesting in your life. The Bible says "If the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" When you live right and have a pure foundation, you have the power to stop negative dreams. 3. Prayers: "The prayer of the wicked is an abomination unto God but the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much". With a pure foundation, you can go to the Lord in prayer and stop recurrent negative dreams manifesting in your life.

secret of good dreams

Secret of Good Dreams

I will like to briefly give 3 things that will help you have good dreams when you sleep. I do hope you will appreciate them. 1. Clean Heart "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" Matt 5:8 - Once God takes over your life your heart begins to think good and pure things, this will have a great impact on yourdream. If you are a true child of God (with a pure heart) your dreams predominantly will be good ones. You scarcely have evil dream. God will always reveal great things to you. How do you have a good heart? It is very simple, always think good for yourself and others, avoid thoughts that are not accepted to God. Read Phil. 4:8 for clarity. 2. CLEAR MOOD A" merry heart makes the face to shine but sorrow crushes thespirit" (Prov. 15: 13) A clear mood simply means a Merry Heart. If you are able to clear your heart of every sad events of the day before going to bed, you will have good dream. Remember in our text sorrow crushes the spirit. And dream relates to your spirit, fi you are not happy it therefore means your spirit will be crushed as you sleep which gives rise to bad dream. So Irecommend before you sleep, clear all the frustration ofthe day and listen to good music or take a walk with your spouse if you have and gist. 3. 3. CLEAN ENVIRONMENT This one is serio-comic, it sounds ridiculous but its reality. If you don't keep your room in a clean or hygienic condition you will always have bad dream. If your dream is not tidy and properly ventilated, it affect your experience in the dream. There is a great advantage in taking shower after a stressful day before sleeping. It facilitate a good sleep and good dream. When you are too tired and too dirty, your oxygen inhaling level will be poor, this will affect your activities in the dream.

How to know dreams from God

How to Know Dreams From God

This is a vital issue about Dream, knowing that not all dreams are actually from God. What or how can you recognize dreams that are divine messages? I will give you some guide that. 1. It registers - When your dream is from God it will register on your mind very strongly. It rarely goes off when you wake from bed, the picture of the dream remains fresh on your mind. That is an indication it's a message from God. Ordinary dream may not register on your mind, but if God is the one communicating, it will register. 2. Kindly note that those dream that registers on your mind are from God, study their content and get their interpretation wisely so you don't lose their benefits. 2. It re- occurs, that is, you will have that dream over again or something similar. Take note of dreams that re-occur inyour sleep. You need to know they are not ordinary dreams. God speaks once but confirms twice or more (Job 33: 14) 3. To a child of God, when God speaks to you through dreams, most times the content will revive your weak soul. God does not scare His children but revive them when they are down. So dreams that encourages or inspires you are from God. God will reveal what will make you hopeful and not hopeless. Any dream that destroys your hope or shatters your joy may likely not be from God. You will have to pray against such dreams.

prayers for dreams


PRAYERS OVER EVIL DREAM (Genesis 28;16-22)  1.Father, I disconnect myself from any evil. I am your child the devil has no right to threaten me in my dreams. Let my eyes see good things from now in Jesus Christ name I pray (Amen). 2. Father disconnect me today from terrible nightmares; let me see you and the beauty of your kingdom in my dreams. The devil can no more harass me in my dream in the name of Jesus Christ I pray (Amen). PRAYER FOR DIVINE PROTECTION (PSALM121) 1. Father, grant me mysterious escape from all the plan of the devil, no evil will come near me and my household today, I cover my family with your most powerful blood in Jesus Christ name. 2. Whatever represents darkness in my life today, let there be light against it in the name of Jesus Christ! And there shall be light (Amen). 3. LORD, help me to mind what I eat so I won't poison my system. Help me to eat with understanding that I may fulfill all the days you have for me. (Amen). 4. LORD, help me to rest when necessary, so I don't lose my blessings to sickness caused by fatigue. Help me to have a rest plan I can enjoy your favour on me (Amen). 5. LORD. help me to out live my problems. Let me see the end of my problems and they will never see my end (Amen). 6. LORD, keep me to fulfil all my goals before I go out of this world. I will not go unfulfilled. nothing shall cut my days short. 7. Father, keep me in your hiding place, that I may escape the evil that destroys in the world 8. Father, never leave me alone, always go with me. Let my journeys be a smooth one today in Jesus name, guide and protect me. 9. Father, bless me in the land of my affliction. Let me be fruitful in the land where I have suffered. 10. Father, direct me to Goshen where my security is guaranteed. Let me not remain in Egypt where there is no security. 11. Father, keep and shield me from any power that might want to cut my days short. Let my enemies take the death plan against me. 12. Father, help me never to lose your presence: it is the essence for my life. 13. Father, let me receive seed of life today, I reject every evil news that may come my way today in Jesus name. 14. Father, let there be famine on the Egyptians around me that will work out favour of cheap purchase for me  (Amen). 15. Father, I stand against any traces of sickness in my way today. I sprinkle your BLOOD over my household and my family. Good health is our portion today in  the name of Jesus Christ. 16. Father, let me not see death until I have finished my course in life. Keep me to fulfill my DIVINE PURPOSE ON EARTH (Amen).  17. Father, keep me to my old age so I can see the Global success of this ministry. I refuse to die now until my days are all fulfilled.     18. Father, bless me with good old age, let me not have bad old age, let good old age be a inheritance for my family. 19.  Father, may I not be cruel. keep me away from a cruel man / woman. Let them be far from me, keep my children from cruel people. 20. Father, may I never join evil planners. let me never partaker in anything called evil. Send every evil person away from me in Jesus name.  21. I claim this declarations, let it work for me. make me untouchable to any principalities and powers. 22. Keep me on track LORD, let me never     respect any contemptuous attack as I proceed in my journey to greatness in Jesus name I pray. 23. Let me never be a captive to envy so I can attain my great goals in life. Cast out from me every temptation to envy anyone, I shall succeed as I rejoice with those succeeding (Amen).  24. Father, protect me as you bless me with your favour, everyone that hate me for the blessing and intend to slay me, turn their counsel to foolishness over me in Jesus name I pray (Amen) 25. Father, lead me out of the trap of death set up for me today. I shall not die, I will find escape by the authority in the powerful name of Jesus Christ (Amen) 26. Father, relocate me to where my enemies can not access me to destroy, keep me away from their sight until they have forgotten their evil plan against me. 27. Father, continue to be with me so I can continue to enjoy your safety and favour in Jesus name. 28. Father, Hide me under your shadow so the wicked will not destroy me because of your favour in my life 29. Lord, help me from today onward to mind who I relate my great plans (dreams) with, let me never share my dreams with my haters so they will not hurt me for it. 30. Father, help me to shine where others are unable; let your grace make me stand in success where others experience failure. My generation shall bow to your glory on my life ... (Amen). 31. Lord, cause me to see who really you have made me to be, show me the greatness you have for me 32. Father, let me always talk about where you are taking me to and not what I am going through, irrespective of people's reactions. Thank you dear Lord. 33. Father, let me never envy anyone since I am designed for greatness too. I shall give my best to my chosen field and I shall not envy anyone. 34. Father, protect us today from blood flow. We take our refuge under the wings of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are secure in you. 35. Lord, never leave me alone; go with me so I can succeed in what I will do today. 36. Father, put your special grace on me to work faithfully and be entrusted high level of favour. May I never fail my life. 37. Father, protect me today as I go out and never let the arrows of the wicked touch me. 38. Father, I count on you as my strength today as I go out come in to my weakness and reveal your strength, I feel inadequate except you help me... In Jesus Christ name I pray.  39. Father, stand by me and make my feet like deer's feet. Let no man be able to move me out of my place of favour in Jesus Christ name I pray.(Amen). 40. Father, let me not hate anyone so they will not out shine me in success. Grant me overtaking speed above all those who hate me for no cause.

A black pastor

Dr. Paul S Joshua is a gifted online spiritual Dream interpreter and a prophet with the unique gift of dream interpretation. Whatever your dreams are, the Grace of God can decode the dream and deliver the hidden messages to you.


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If you have dreams you need interpreted, share your dreams one on one with Dr. Paul S Joshua for the interpretation online.



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