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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy

The Refiner's House Ministry

Anti-Money Laundering Policy



The Refiner's House ministry is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including those related to anti-money laundering (AML). This policy outlines our commitment to preventing money laundering and terrorist financing activities and establishes procedures for compliance with AML laws and regulations.




The Refiner's House ministry is responsible for complying with all relevant AML laws, regulations, and guidelines. All employees, volunteers, and affiliates are required to adhere to this policy and report any suspicious activities in accordance with the procedures outlined herein.




3.1. Identification of Customers: The Refiner's House ministry will obtain and verify the identity of all donors, participants, and other individuals involved in financial transactions or relationships with the organization. This includes collecting personal information and official identification documents as required by law.



3.2. Risk-Based Approach: The organization will adopt a risk-based approach to customer due diligence, taking into account factors such as the nature of the relationship, the type of transaction, and the perceived risk of money laundering or terrorist financing.



3.3. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD): In cases where higher risks are identified, The Refiner's House ministry will conduct enhanced due diligence procedures, which may include obtaining additional information, conducting ongoing monitoring, and seeking approval from appropriate management levels.




4.1. Transaction Monitoring: The organization will implement systems and procedures to monitor transactions for suspicious activities, including unusual patterns, large transactions, and transactions inconsistent with the donor's known financial profile.


4.2. Suspicious Activity Reporting: Employees and volunteers are required to report any suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing to the designated compliance officer or AML compliance team. Reports will be promptly investigated, and suspicious transactions will be reported to the appropriate authorities as required by law.




The Refiner's House ministry will provide regular training and awareness programs to employees, volunteers, and affiliates to ensure an understanding of AML laws, regulations, and procedures. Training will be conducted every 6 Months tailored to specific roles and responsibilities within the organization.




The organization will maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all customer due diligence activities, transaction monitoring, and suspicious activity reports. Records will be retained in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.




The Refiner's House ministry will conduct regular reviews of its AML policies, procedures, and controls to ensure effectiveness and compliance with regulatory requirements. Any necessary updates or revisions will be implemented promptly.




The Refiner's House ministry is committed to preventing money laundering and terrorist financing activities and will actively cooperate with regulatory authorities in the investigation and prosecution of such activities. By adhering to this AML policy and fostering a culture of compliance, we will uphold our mission and values while protecting our organization from financial crime.


1. Introduction

2. Compliance Responsibilities

3. Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

4. Monitoring and Reporting

5. Training and Awareness

6. Recordkeeping

7. Compliance Monitoring and Review

8. Conclusion

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